Daily Announcements
April 21st
1.CURRENT JUNIORS- Shot clinic forms are due April 26th, The clinic will be held Monday May 1st from 1-3pm. These immunizations are required for your senior year. You may get extra forms from the nurse.
2. Attention Seniors! Please be sure any library fines, overdues, and technology fines are paid before your last day of school.
3.FBLA officer applications are due May 1, 2023
4.Students enrolled in Internship next school year, turn in applications by May 3.
5. Congratulations to the following Juniors who were selected to assist the class of 2023 at graduation. Bryson Brandenburger and Lilly Bowen were selected as attendants. Walker Chandler, Bleyne Bryant, Harrison Hunt, Clara Bailey, Avery Gamm and Kaylyn Charlton were selected as ushers.
6. Seniors make sure you are checking your email and completing the surveys that have been sent out.

The varsity baseball team has added an additional game at Clopton on Monday, May 8th at 4:00 pm.

Good Luck to the BG Golf Team!!

Boys Track Team Places 1st at the Cunningham Relays
Girls Track Team Places 5th

Daily Announcements April 21st
1.CURRENT JUNIORS- Shot clinic forms are due April 26th, The clinic will be held Monday May 1st from 1-3pm. These immunizations are required for your senior year. You may get extra forms from the nurse.
2. Attention Seniors! Please be sure any library fines, overdues, and technology fines are paid before your last day of school.
3.FBLA officer applications are due May 1, 2023
4.Students enrolled in Internship next school year, turn in applications by May 3.
5. Congratulations to the following Juniors who were selected to assist the class of 2023 at graduation. Bryson Brandenburger and Lilly Bowen were selected as attendants. Walker Chandler, Bleyne Bryant, Harrison Hunt, Clara Bailey, Avery Gamm and Kaylyn Charlton were selected as ushers.
6. Seniors make sure you are checking your email and completing the surveys that have been sent out.

Daily Announcements
April 20th
If you are taking an AP Exam in May, please pay the testing fee to Mrs. Smith or Mrs. Dean by the end of April. If you need a reminder of how much you owe, stop by to see Mrs. Smith. AP Government test is Monday, May 1st. AP Bio Test is Wednesday, May 10th.
EOC testing began today! Students who have Ms. Belt on Black Days will be testing tomorrow. Report to your 6th Hour class and we will make an announcement for you to report to the Auditorium.
Make sure to bring a charged Chromebook to school.
Tomorrow is ‘put on your thinking cap’ for EOC testing. Pay $1 to wear your hat at school.
CURRENT JUNIORS- Shot clinic forms are due April 26th, The clinic will be held Monday May 1st from 1-3pm. These immunizations are required for your senior year. You may get extra forms from the nurse.
Attention Seniors! Please be sure any library fines, overdues, and technology fines are paid before your last day of school.
NHS Backpacking on Thursday is Team C. Team C is Megan Graver, Katie Houchins, Bethany Perry, Gavin Outlaw, Gavin Miller, Delaney Feldmann, Gabriel Kroeck, and Avery Gamm.
FBLA officer applications are due May 1, 2023.
Students enrolled in Internship next school year, turn in applications by May 3.
Seniors make sure you are checking your email and completing the surveys that have been sent out.
Congratulations to the following Juniors who were selected to assist the class of 2023 at graduation. Bryson Brandenburger and Lilly Bowen were selected as attendants. Walker Chandler, Bleyne Bryant, Harrison Hunt, Clara Bailey, Avery Gamm and Kaylyn Charlton were selected as ushers.

Varsity Baseball will play at Van Far HS tonight. 6:00 pm start.

Daily Announcements
April 19th
If you are taking an AP Exam in May, please pay the testing fee to Mrs. Smith or Mrs. Dean by the end of April. If you need a reminder of how much you owe, stop by to see Mrs. Smith. AP Government test is Monday, May 1st. AP Bio Test is Wednesday, May 10th.
CURRENT JUNIORS- Shot clinic forms are due April 26th, The clinic will be held Monday May 1st from 1-3pm. These immunizations are required for your senior year. You may get extra forms from the nurse.
Attention Seniors! Please be sure any library fines, overdues, and technology fines are paid before your last day of school.
The library has reopened today.
NHS Backpacking on Thursday is Team C. Team C is Megan Graver, Katie Houchins, Bethany Perry, Gavin Outlaw, Gavin Miller, Delaney Feldmann, Gabriel Kroeck, and Avery Gamm.
Seniors make sure you are checking your email and completing the surveys that have been sent out.

Please make plans to attend if you need an updated physical for sports or marching band. Physicals are required every two years.

Varsity Bobcats Baseball beat Silex 9-2.

Bobcat baseball team is back in action tonight at Silex. (Varsity Game)

Daily Announcements
April 18th
1. If you are taking an AP Exam in May, please pay the testing fee to Mrs. Smith or Mrs. Dean by the end of April. If you need a reminder of how much you owe, stop by to see Mrs. Smith. AP Government test is Monday, May 1st. AP Bio Test is Wednesday, May 10th.
2. Seniors there will be a class meeting tomorrow April 19th. Please make sure you have made arrangements to be on campus for the meeting at 2pm. Cap & Gowns will be passed out, you will also vote on several graduation and other important future things for your class. You will need to bring your chromebook to the meeting for voting.
3. Seniors check your school email for a questionnaire from the local media. Please submit your answers by April 21st. The information you submit will be in the local newspapers graduate spotlight.
4. Seniors Tryouts for commencement speaker will be held in room 5 on Wednesday, April 19th beginning at 3:20. The sign-up sheet is posted on the door of room 13. All seniors are eligible to be commencement speaker.
5. CURRENT JUNIORS- Shot clinic forms are due April 26th, The clinic will be held Monday May 1st from 1-3pm. These immunizations are required for your senior year. You may get extra forms from the nurse.
6. Attention Seniors! Please be sure any library fines, overdues, and technology fines are paid before your last day of school.
7. Congratulations to Gavin Outlaw for being accepted into Missouri Fine Arts Academy this summer at Missouri State University! Way to go Gavin!
8. If you need a library chromebook today, you may check one out from the middle school office. They will be due back by 3 p.m. to the middle school office.
9. There will be a boys basketball meeting in the high school gym on Wednesday, April 20th during CAT Time with Coach Smith.
10. NHS Backpacking on Thursday is Team C. Team C is Megan Graver, Katie Houchins, Bethany Perry, Gavin Outlaw, Gavin Miller, Delaney Feldmann, Gabriel Kroeck, and Avery Gamm.

Congrats Bleyne

Baseball Schedule Change:
The baseball game at Lutheran St. Charles on Friday, April 28th will be a varsity game. (NO JV) Game time has been moved to 4:15 pm start.

Good Luck

Congratulations to the 2023 Prom King Alex Miller & Queen Allie Wilson.

Daily Announcements
April 14th
JUNIORS & SENIORS: if you are planning on attending Prom tomorrow - make sure you have filled out the Prom Attendance survey in your email dated March 27th from Ms. Buttram. If you have not completed this survey; you will not be allowed into Prom tomorrow.
Also, all library fines, technology fees and negative lunch balances must be paid by 3:00 pm today!!!
1. If you are interested in running for an FBLA officer position for the 2023-2024 school year, please stop by and pick up an application from Mrs. Robinson. Applications are due May 1.
2. Seniors there will be a class meeting Wednesday April 19th. Please make sure you have made arrangements to be on campus for the meeting at 2pm. Cap & Gowns will be passed out, you will also vote on several graduation and other important future things for your class.You will need to bring your chromebook to the meeting for voting.
3. Congratulations to Audrey Lovell for earning an all-expense paid trip to Washington DC this summer sponsored by the Cuivre River Electric Cooperative. She wrote an incredible essay, submitted an application, and was a top scorer on the given exam. Way to Audrey!
4. If you are taking the ACT on Saturday morning, please arrive by 7:50 AM. You will need your printed test admissions ticket, a form of ID such as driver’s license or lunch card, pencils, and a calculator.
5. Seniors check your school email for a questionnaire from the local media. Please submit your answers by April 21st. The information you submit will be in the local newspapers graduate spotlight.
6. Seniors Tryouts for commencement speaker will be held in room 5 on Wednesday, April 19th beginning at 3:20. The sign-up sheet is posted on the door of room 13. All seniors are eligible to be commencement speaker.
7. CURRENT JUNIORS- Shot clinic forms are due April 26th, The clinic will be held Monday May 1st from 1-3pm. These immunizations are required for your senior year. You may get extra forms from the nurse.
8. If you plan on attending Prom, your library overdues and fines as well as technology fines must be paid today.
9. The library will be closed on Tuesday, April 18. Students who need to check out a library chromebook that day will need to go to the middle school office to sign out a chromebook. They will be due back in the middle school office by 3 p.m. on Tuesday. The library will reopen on Wednesday, April 19.
10. Next week we are celebrating the kickoff for EOC Testing. We will have some dress-up days and other activities throughout the week.
Tuesday- Kickoff to testing- Wear your favorite ‘kicks’
Wednesday- Don’t stress, just take the test- Wear your exercise clothes

The baseball game at Van Far on Thursday, April 20th will be a 6:00 pm start. This is a varsity game. Van Far does not have a JV baseball team this year.

JV baseball game at BG tonight at 5:00 pm vs. Montgomey County. Good Luck

Varsity Bobcats baseball beats Christian HS tonight.