Congrats 2nd Team All Conference Track Athletes!!
almost 2 years ago, Matt Chance
Congratulations to the Bowling Geen Track 1st Team All Conference athletes who were also EMO Conference Champions in these events.
almost 2 years ago, Matt Chance
Attention Baseball Parents: We were informed late tonight that the baseball game on Wednesday vs. Clopton will just be a varsity game.
almost 2 years ago, Matt Chance
Congrats Boys!!!! EMO Conference Track Champs
almost 2 years ago, Matt Chance
Congrats girls!!! EMO Conference Track 2nd Place
almost 2 years ago, Matt Chance
May 2, 2023 Announcements NHS Backpacking on Thursday. Team E is Megan Niemeyer, Morgan McMenamy, Hannah Akers, Clara Bailey, Mason McMenamy, Kaden Klocke, Mackenzie Brawley, Jordan Johnson, and Bethany Perry. Congratulations to our new NHS officers for 2023-2024: President Bethany Perry, Vice President Audrey Lovell, Secretary Hannah Post, and Treasurer Hannah Akers.
almost 2 years ago, Bowling Green High School
Highlights from the Olympia Week Pep Rally today!
almost 2 years ago, Bowling Green High School
Olympia Week Pep Rally
Olympia Week Pep Rally
Olympia Week Pep Rally
Olympia Week Pep Rally
Varsity Baseball falls to Lutheran High School this evening.
almost 2 years ago, Bowling Green High School
Daily Announcements April 28th Cheer tryouts May 1st, 3rd, 5th at 5:30 in the HS Gym FBLA officer applications are due May 1, 2023. Students enrolled in Internship next school year, turn in applications by May 3 If you are interested in Youth Exchange (Foreign exchange student), please see Mrs. Bowen in room 3. If you want to run for an Interact Club office, see Mrs. Bowen in room 3. Junior NHS members-please check your email to vote for officers for next year. Two new scholarships have been added to the BGHS website. Both are due on May 5th in the Counseling Center. The Michael Doughty Memorial Scholarship - Applicants must have aspirations to either be a chef or go into law enforcement. The Tud Rowe Ag Memorial Scholarship - Must be a BGHS senior who is pursuing a degree/career in the agricultural field. Scholarship applications will be scored based upon academic performance, extracurricular activities and involvement in 4-H & FFA, farming/agricultural background, community service involvement, work, honors/awards/recognition and an essay. Must include hand-written application, 2 letters of recommendation, 1000 word or less TYPED and unofficial transcript.
almost 2 years ago, HS Office
Varsity Bobcat Baseball beats Wellsville-Middletown 15-0
almost 2 years ago, Bowling Green High School
Daily Announcements April 27th If you are trying out for cheer, all paperwork needs to be turned into Coach Nation by tomorrow. A current physical is required. FBLA officer applications are due May 1, 2023. Students enrolled in Internship next school year, turn in applications by May 3. It’s time to pie!!! Collections will end after 8:10 tomorrow morning. Which department is taking the pie? You decide! NHS Team D Backpacking on Thursday. Team D is Allisyn Dameron, Gabriel Maier, Olivia Welch-Orf, Olivia Fronick, Celia Robinson, Mackenzie Cashman, Courtney Kraft, Karlee Miller, and Kayelee Stephens. Junior NHS members, make sure to check your email to vote on officer elections. If you are interested in Youth Exchange (Foreign exchange student), please see Mrs. Bowen in room 3. If you want to run for an Interact Club office, see Mrs. Bowen in room 3.
almost 2 years ago, HS Office
Good Luck
almost 2 years ago, Matt Chance
April 26th If you are trying out for cheer, all paperwork needs to be turned into Coach Nation by Friday. A current physical is required. FBLA officer applications are due May 1, 2023. Students enrolled in Internship next school year, turn in applications by May 3. Ever dreamed of watching a teacher take a pie in the face? NOW IS YOUR CHANCE! Donate your change to vote for which department will be pie’d at this Friday’s pep assembly. Collection will end on Friday. All proceeds will go to a local food bank. NHS Team D Backpacking on Thursday. Team D is Allisyn Dameron, Gabriel Maier, Olivia Welch-Orf, Olivia Fronick, Celia Robinson, Mackenzie Cashman, Courtney Kraft, Karlee Miller, and Kayelee Stephens. If any student is interested in short-term or long-term youth exchange (foreign exchange student), please contact Mrs. Bowen in Room 3. If you want to run for an Interact Club officer position, please contact Mrs. Bowen in Room 3.
almost 2 years ago, HS Office
A big thank you to Mrs. Sprague, Mrs. Hunt, and Mrs. Dean our amazing secretaries in the high school office. They do so much to make our school run smoothly everyday!
almost 2 years ago, Bowling Green High School
Administrative Professional Day
Congrats Dylan on breaking the 6th school record of the year for the boys track team. His throw of 169'1 is currently ranked third in class 3 and just a few inches off the top throw.
almost 2 years ago, Matt Chance
Congrats Marcus. His jump of 6'11 is the top jump in the state right now in any class.
almost 2 years ago, Matt Chance
Daily Announcements April 24th If you are trying out for cheer, all paperwork needs to be turned into Coach Nation by Friday. A current physical is required. CURRENT JUNIORS- Shot clinic forms are due April 26th, The clinic will be held Monday May 1st from 1-3pm. These immunizations are required for your senior year. You may get extra forms from the nurse. FBLA officer applications are due May 1, 2023. Students enrolled in Internship next school year, turn in applications by May 3. Ever dreamed of watching a teacher take a pie in the face? NOW IS YOUR CHANCE! Donate your change to vote for which department will be pie’d at this Friday’s pep assembly. Collection will begin tomorrow morning and end on Friday. All proceeds will go to a local food bank.
almost 2 years ago, HS Office
Good Luck Tonight Bobcats!!!
almost 2 years ago, Matt Chance
Congrats All Conference Golfers!!
almost 2 years ago, Matt Chance
Congrats to the Golf Team for Winning the EMO Conference Championship for the first time since 2008
almost 2 years ago, Matt Chance