November 16th
Juniors: Please pay your junior dues of $60 as soon as possible. These dues go towards prom expenses and future reunions for your class. You will not be able to attend prom if you don’t pay your dues.
Any Juniors or Seniors interested in going to see Moulin Rouge at Fox Theatre in St. Louis the evening of May 9th, please sign up with Mr. Hurst by Friday. If there are more students interested than seats available we will have a lottery Friday to determine who is able to attend.
Reminder: there’s still time to sign up for the FREE tickets for Saturday’s football game!! We have 25 FREE tickets to give away for the game. This is from a generous donation from a local business. Drawing will be on Friday during CAT Time if we have more than 25 students sign up.
Seniors: If you would like to have a meeting with Mrs. Smith to review your 2nd Semester schedule and make any necessary changes, please sign up on the sheet on her door.
Term Two progress grade checkpoint is Tuesday November 21st. Grade cards will go out to parents November 30th.

The junior class has decided that they want to do something fun with the community to help raise funds for prom this school year. Please join us at the high school on Sunday, November 19th from 2pm-6pm for food, inflatables, games, photos, and a silent auction raffle! Please refer to the images below for more information or contact Shelby St Aubyn at Sstaubyn@bgschools.k12.mo.us THE SPIRIT WEEK DRESS UP DAYS ONLY APPLY TO MIDDLE SCHOOL & HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS -- Frankford and Bowling Green Elementary have their own spirit week :)

November 15th
DECA Chapter Meeting TODAY during Cat Time
There will be an after school Speech and Debate practice today until 4:30.
NHS Backpacking this Thursday is Team B. Team B is Lily Bowen, Clara Bailey, Audrey Lovell, Karlee Miller, Tucker Watson, Drew Dalton, Mason McMenamy, and Jordan Johnson.
Sophomores and Juniors: Please check your school email and answer the short survey about ACT prep options. Please have this done by tomorrow, November 16th.
Any Juniors or Seniors interested in going to see Moulin Rouge at Fox Theatre in St. Louis the evening of May 9th, please sign up with Mr. Hurst by Friday. If there are more students interested than seats available we will have a lottery Friday to determine who is able to attend.
We have received a generous donation from a local business of 25 FREE tickets to Saturday’s football game for any BGHS students. Please stop by the office to sign up. If there are more than 25 students sign up, we will have a drawing for the tickets. Sign up starts now and we will draw the winners on Friday during CAT Time.

Q-Final Football Information

Now that the basketball season is into the 3rd week of practice we are having some changes to the original schedule. Here are a few of the changes to the HS boys and girls schedules:
Nov. 20th - Varsity Girls Game at 5:30 pm (NO JV GAME)
Nov. 21st - JV/Var Boys game at Hannibal has been postponed.
Nov. 28th - 9th Boys will play Mexico at 5:30 pm (NO 9th Girls Game)
Nov. 30th- JV Boys will play Palmyra at 6:00 pm (NO JV Girls Game)
Dec. 12th - No JV boys game vs. Louisiana

BGHS senior art students recently visited HLGU Fine Arts Day where they attended art sessions, a tour of the campus, and auditioned for art scholarships. Thank you HLGU for an inspiring day!

November 14th
FBLA Chapter Meeting TODAY during Cat Time
DECA Chapter Meeting Wednesday, Nov 15th during Cat Time
Juniors: Please pay your junior dues of $60 as soon as possible. These dues go towards prom expenses and future reunions for your class. You will not be able to attend prom if you don’t pay your dues.
There will be an after school Speech and Debate practice on Wednesday until 4:30.
Any junior boy interested in attending Boys State or girl interested in attending Girls State please see Mrs. Holland.
Although the regular registration deadline has passed for the December ACT, students can still sign up for the late registration by November 17 and get the “buy one get one free” testing offer.
NHS Backpacking this Thursday is Team B. Team B is Lily Bowen, Clara Bailey, Audrey Lovell, Karlee Miller, Tucker Watson, Drew Dalton, Mason McMenamy, and Jordan Johnson.
Sophomores and Juniors: Please check your school email and answer the short survey about ACT prep options.
Any Juniors or Seniors interested in going to see Moulin Rouge at Fox Theatre in St. Louis the evening of May 9th, please sign up with Mr. Hurst by Friday. If there are more students interested than seats available we will have a lottery Friday to determine who is able to attend.

Congrats Megan!!
2 x All State Pitcher (2022 & 2023)

Click on the link below to purchase tickets to the quarterfinal football game on Saturday at 1:00 pm. Make sure you select East Buchanan vs. Bowling Green. You must purchase a ticket to enter. There will be no cash sales at the front gate.

November 13th
NHS Backpacking this Thursday is Team B. Team B is Lily Bowen, Clara Bailey, Audrey Lovell, Karlee Miller, Tucker Watson, Drew Dalton, Mason McMenamy, and Jordan Johnson.
Any student who plans to attend Mizzou in the fall, don’t forget that their scholarship deadline is December 1st. Mrs. Splain will be checking-in with students who have applied to be sure they can get into ScholarshipUniverse. If you need any help, don’t hesitate to stop by and see Mrs. Splain or Mrs. Smith.

The girls basketball game scheduled for next Satuday vs. Fulton will be postponed until later in the season.

Bowling Green will play East Buchanan at 1:00 pm next Saturday in the State Quarterfinal game at BGHS. Digital tickets will be required for all games the rest of the season. More information will come out early next week.

Football Final:
Bobcats 66
South Shelby 50
Bobcats move to 12-0 and win their 3rd straight district championship. Great job Bobcats.

Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library has come to Missouri serving every child from birth up to age 5 with books. Parents can sign up online by navigating to this link: https://tinyurl.com/39zddefx To learn more about this great program, visit: https://tinyurl.com/4ftwcvys

Toys for Tots is looking for families that might benefit from the annual drive. Please use the attached QR Code or the link at the bottom of this message to apply if you are interested. Distribution will be December 14th
Here's the link - https://forms.gle/sFFotdqm1T2eyE5D6

November 10th
FBLA Chapter Meeting Tuesday, Nov. 14th during Cat Time
DECA Chapter Meeting Wednesday, Nov 15th during Cat Time
There will be an after school Speech and Debate practice on Wednesday, November 15 until 4:30.
Any junior boy interested in attending Boys State or girl interested in attending Girls State please see Mrs. Holland.
Although the regular registration deadline has passed for the December ACT, students can still sign up for the late registration by November 17 and get the “buy one get one free” testing offer.
Student Drivers and staff: Bobcat Drive (new campus entrance) will be closed to traffic next Monday, November 13 and Tuesday, November 14.
Students: The vaping policy has been updated, effective immediately. 1st Offense - OSS for the remainder of the day of the offense, plus an additional 2 days OSS; 2nd Offense - 5 days OSS, 3rd Offense-10 days OSS.
All FTA members please stop by Ms. Lovelace’s room to pick up a fundraiser packet for the ButterBread Fundraiser!
No Chess club during CAT time today due to the Veterans assembly in the middle school.

Good Luck!!

November 9th
FBLA Chapter Meeting Tuesday, Nov. 14th during Cat Time
DECA Chapter Meeting Wednesday, Nov 15th during Cat Time
NHS Dues are $15 and are due to Mr. Hurst by November 10th. Also, NHS senior members, please pick up your senior patch from Mr. Hurst.
Quiz Bowl Practice will start this Friday at 7:20 am in Mr. Hurst’s room.
Juniors: Please pay your junior dues of $60 as soon as possible. These dues go towards prom expenses and future reunions for your class. You will not be able to attend prom if you don’t pay your dues.
There will be an after school Speech and Debate practice on Wednesday, November 15 until 4:30.
Are you a sophomore who is interested in attending a FREE leadership seminar at the University of Central Missouri this summer? If so, please see Mrs. Smith by this Friday for more information.
Any junior boy interested in attending Boys State or girl interested in attending Girls State please see Mrs. Holland.
Although the regular registration deadline has passed for the December ACT, students can still sign up for the late registration by November 17 and get the “buy one get one free” testing offer.
Student Drivers and staff: Bobcat Drive (new campus entrance) will be closed to traffic next Monday, November 13 and Tuesday, November 14.
Students: The vaping policy has been updated, effective immediately. 1st Offense - OSS for the remainder of the day of the offense, plus an additional 2 days OSS; 2nd Offense - 5 days OSS, 3rd Offense-10 days OSS.

The junior class has decided that they want to do something fun with the community to help raise funds for prom this school year. Please join us at the high school on Sunday, November 19th from 2pm-6pm for food, inflatables, games, photos, and a silent auction raffle! Please refer to the images below for more information or contact Shelby St Aubyn at Sstaubyn@bgschools.k12.mo.us
THE SPIRIT WEEK DRESS UP DAYS ONLY APPLY TO MIDDLE SCHOOL & HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS -- Frankford and Bowling Green Elementary have their own spirit week :)

November 8th
FBLA Chapter Meeting Tuesday, Nov. 14th during Cat Time
DECA Chapter Meeting Wednesday, Nov 15th during Cat Time
NHS Dues are $15 and are due to Mr. Hurst by November 10th. Also, NHS senior members, please pick up your senior patch from Mr. Hurst.
NHS Team A is backpacking this week. Team A is Hannah Akers, Ariana Young, Pearson Betts, Aiden Grote, Emma Smith, Caleb Graver, Bailey Pruitt, and Addison Shade.
Quiz Bowl Practice will start this Friday at 7:20 am in Mr. Hurst’s room.
There will be an after school Speech and Debate practice on Wednesday, November 15 until 4:30.
Are you a sophomore who is interested in attending a FREE leadership seminar at the University of Central Missouri this summer? If so, please see Mrs. Smith by this Friday for more information.
Any junior boy interested in attending Boys State or girl interested in attending Girls State please see Mrs. Holland.
All juniors will attend a short meeting at 11:30 tomorrow in the auditorium for Project Prom.
The staff winner who correctly guessed the number of Reese’s in the jar is Ms. Glenda Meyers! There were 58 Reese’s in the jar. Come to the HS office to collect your prize!
Although the regular registration deadline has passed for the December ACT, students can still sign up for the late registration by November 17 and get the “buy one get one free” testing offer.