Here is the updated schedule for basketball games on Dec. 12th vs Lousiana at BGHS. The JV boys game has been cancelled. ALL GAMES WILL BE IN THE HIGH SCHOOL GYM. 5:00 pm - JV girls game (2 quarters) 5:45 pm - Varsity Girls Game 7:00 pm - Varsity Boys Game
over 1 year ago, Matt Chance
Good Luck
over 1 year ago, Matt Chance
Varsity boys fall to Fulton 74-37 in the Montgomery County Tourney. They will be in the middle school gym on Thursday at 7:30 pm.
over 1 year ago, Matt Chance
Freshman Boys Final Bobcats 62 Mexico 29
over 1 year ago, Matt Chance
Good Luck
over 1 year ago, Matt Chance
November 28th Students we have an opportunity for people to volunteer for the Bell ringing program with the Salvation Army and Walmart. So, if someone would like to help contact Penny Dixon the Pike County Services Coordinator at 573-324-2207 or send an email to If you have lost a small item like jewelry, keys,earbuds or a wallet stop by the office to claim your missing items. FBLA Members who want to participate in district competition this year, please see Mrs. Robinson to sign up by TODAY. Team C is backpacking on Thursday during CAT Time. Team C is Claire Bibb, Dianna Bibb, Celia Robinson, Delaney Feldmann, Aaron McBride, Mackenzie Brawley, Olivia Fronick, and Miranda Orf. Group/Club Photos are on Wednesday, December 6! Please make sure to bring your club shirts, if you are supposed to wear them for pictures. Tomorrow is the last day to bring in items for Ryan Lorenson’s box. The box is located in the counselor’s office and will be shipped to Thailand on Thursday. Please drop in a small note of encouragement for him. Juniors: Please turn in your Shakespeare pizza order forms and money to Mrs. Holland today!
over 1 year ago, HS Office
Lady Cats fall to Montgomery 58-27 in the first round of the Montgomery Tournament. They are back in action Wednesday in the middle school gym.
over 1 year ago, Matt Chance
Boys Jv basketball team defeats Clopton 45-43.
over 1 year ago, Matt Chance
November 27th ACT Prep Opportunities: Mrs. Smith will be hosting several ACT Prep sessions during CAT Time before the Dec. 9th test. This is open to any student who wants to learn some tips and strategies for improving their ACT score. We will meet in Mrs. McMillen’s room at the beginning of CAT Time on the following dates: Nov. 28th (tomorrow), Nov. 29th, Dec. 5th, and Dec. 7th. Each session will be different, so attend as many as you wish! Juniors: Project Prom Shakespeare Pizza order forms are due to Mrs. Holland tomorrow, Tuesday, November 28th. If you signed up to take an online college course through MSSU, please see Mrs. Holland. Students we have an opportunity for people to volunteer for the Bell ringing program with the Salvation Army and Walmart. So, if someone would like to help contact Penny Dixon the Pike County Services Coordinator at 573-324-2207 or send an email to If you have lost a small item like jewelry, keys,earbuds or a wallet stop by the office to claim your missing items. FBLA Members who want to participate in district competition this year, please see Mrs. Robinson to sign up by Tuesday. Team C is backpacking on Thursday during CAT Time. Team C is Claire Bibb, Dianna Bibb, Celia Robinson, Delaney Feldmann, Aaron McBride, Mackenzie Brawley, Olivia Fronick, and Miranda Orf. Group/Club Photos are on Wednesday, December 6! Please make sure to bring your club shirts, if you are supposed to wear them for pictures.
over 1 year ago, HS Office
Parents of all High School Students: Please check your email to find a survey from our BGHS Counselors about a potential Parent Summit event. It will take you less than 5 minutes to complete, and we'd love to hear your feedback.
over 1 year ago, HS Office
A busy week of basketball games begin tonight. Good Luck
over 1 year ago, Matt Chance
Bobcats fall 47-16 to Lamar in the class 2 semi final. Thank you coaches and players for an incredible season. Bobcats end the season 13-1.
over 1 year ago, Matt Chance
Good Luck
over 1 year ago, Matt Chance
The Bobcat football team is set to play tomorrow at 1:00 pm at Lamar High School. Digital Tickets must be purchased!!! Link to tickets: Admission$8 Streaming Options: mshsaa tv Gate will open at 11:00 am Go Bobcats!!!!!
over 1 year ago, Matt Chance
November 21st ACT Prep Opportunities: Mrs. Smith will be hosting several ACT Prep sessions during CAT Time before the Dec. 9th test. This is open to any student who wants to learn some tips and strategies for improving their ACT score. We will meet in Mrs. McMillen’s room at the beginning of CAT Time on the following dates: Nov. 28th, Nov. 29th, Dec. 5th, and Dec. 7th. Each session will be different, so attend as many as you wish! Seniors: If you would like to have a meeting with Mrs. Smith to review your 2nd Semester schedule and make any necessary changes, please sign up on the sheet on her door. Congratulations to Mr. Calhoun, the winner of the staff turkey poetry contest! His poem was entry Number 1. Staff the apple that was drawn for our apple bobbing contest today was #2. Please bring your apple to the office to claim your prize. Juniors: Project Prom Shakespeare Pizza order forms are due to Mrs. Holland on Tuesday, November 28th. If you signed up to take an online college course through MSSU, please see Mrs. Holland. NO School- Thanksgiving Break November 22-24. Enjoy! Football players - make sure you fill out your form for your Subway order & turn in to Sara in the office. Must be turned in by the end of the day today. FTA members please continue to sell butter braid products over the break.
over 1 year ago, HS Office
November 20th Juniors: Please pay your junior dues of $60 as soon as possible. These dues go towards prom expenses and future reunions for your class. You will not be able to attend prom if you don’t pay your dues. Seniors: If you would like to have a meeting with Mrs. Smith to review your 2nd Semester schedule and make any necessary changes, please sign up on the sheet on her door. Term Two progress grade checkpoint is Tuesday November 21st. Grade cards will go out to parents November 30th. Ryan Lorenson is away in Thailand and would like your cards or American treats. Please put these items in his box that is located in the counselor's office. His box will be mailed to him next week so bring those goodies in! Your tokens of kindness are so greatly appreciated. ACT Prep Opportunities: Mrs. Smith will be hosting several ACT Prep sessions during CAT Time before the Dec. 9th test. This is open to any student who wants to learn some tips and strategies for improving their ACT score. We will meet in Mrs. McMillen’s room at the beginning of CAT Time on the following dates: Nov. 28th, Nov. 29th, Dec. 5th, and Dec. 7th. Each session will be different, so attend as many as you wish! No School Thanksgiving break November 22- 24 enjoy!
over 1 year ago, HS Office
Daily Announcements
Varsity Girls Game tonight at 5:30 pm at BGHS. Good Luck
over 1 year ago, Matt Chance
Class 2 State Semi Final will be played at Lamar High School on Saturday at 1:00 pm. Digital tickets must be purchased to get in.
over 1 year ago, Matt Chance
Good luck guys!!
over 1 year ago, Matt Chance
November 17th Seniors: If you would like to have a meeting with Mrs. Smith to review your 2nd Semester schedule and make any necessary changes, please sign up on the sheet on her door. No School Thanksgiving break November 22- 24 enjoy! Term Two progress grade checkpoint is Tuesday November 21st. Grade cards will go out to parents November 30th. Football District Championship shirts are in the office if you ordered one - please pick it up by the end of the day today!!. Sophomores and Juniors: Please complete the survey about ACT Prep opportunities that is in your school email. Staff: Turn your Turkey poem into the office by the end of the day if you’d like the chance to win a glorious prize.
over 1 year ago, HS Office