BGR-1 Families and Staff,
I am writing to let you know that after watching the weather briefing for our area this morning, I am making the decision to dismiss students at noon today, Friday, March 31, due to incoming severe weather. The severe weather threat has been elevated for our area and north to Severe and with the potential of tornado outbreaks. Schools North of us have followed suit, unless they have a large enough tornado safe room to accommodate all of their students. While we have a safe room like this in Frankford now, we do not for the BG area. Please watch for announcements from individual schools regarding after school or evening activities as this storm unfolds.
Thank you for your understanding, and stay safe.
Matt Frederickson, PhD

The baseball games tomorrow have been pushed back two hours. Here is the schedule for tomorrow: At Elsberry High School
BG vs. Elsberry at 12:00
BG vs Hermann at 2:00
Hermann vs. Elsberry at 4:00
(Rough estimates on times)

JV Bobcats Baseball vs Elsberry final 2-2

Varsity Bobcat Baseball falls to Elsberry 11-2.

Daily Announcements
March 30th
Calling all Juniors! Please come to Mrs.A’s room to provide your input for Prom during cat time on March 31st!
Project Prom tickets are still available in Mrs. A and Ms. B’s rooms. If you want a shirt, you need to buy them by tomorrow. If you don’t want a shirt, you need to purchase them by April 6th. We can not take late purchases.
NHS Backpacking on Thursday. Team E is Megan Niemeyer, Morgan McMenamy, Hannah Akers, Clara Bailey, Mason McMenamy, Kaden Klocke, Mackenzie Brawley, and Jordan Johnson.
All fines and fees must be paid in order to attend prom. During CAT time today teachers will be passing out reminders about tech. fines that are due. Please take care of these fines at the library.

I know that many in their lifetime used something like this picture for “Duck and Cover” exercises in their classroom (as I did as well.) Somehow, I always felt that this just would not be enough when I needed projection. Just in my lifetime, there have been tornado deaths in schools in Orrick, Missouri; Belvidere, Illinois; Clearwater, Florida; Newburgh, New York; Grand Isle, Louisiana; Enterprise, Alabama; and Moore Oklahoma, but going back further in history we know of school deaths in St. Louis, MO; Poplar Bluff, MO and a tri-state tornado that killed 69 students in nine schools including within Missouri. And, we all remember the destruction in Joplin, Mo (thankfully, students were not present at the time) where five schools were completely destroyed and four others were damaged by the F5/EF5 tornado. Very recently, the Goodman, Missouri elementary school was destroyed by an EF2 tornado. While we have done much with raising awareness, (with bringing the KMOV Storm Team to BGHS to share information and broadcast their weather program), and doing drills and training, and with writing grants to help fund a storm safe shelter and tornado siren in Frankford, we have much more to do. (We have applied for grants for the BG campus, but FEMA did not award those.) It is important to note that at our BGHS, it is very difficult to find places to shelter with all of the glass in the hallways. We have to make use of bathrooms and locker rooms. As your superintendent responsible for the safety of all of our students while at school, this has been a sense of urgency for me since day one. The Joplin School District has built 14 safe rooms since 2011, when 161 were killed in their community. And, all new buildings built as schools in Missouri are required by law to have a tornado safe room moving forward. Prop S (a NO TAXRATE INCREASE BOND ISSUE on the ballot on April 4) plans to build a large tornado safe room as an expansion to the MS and HS library and includes a tornado safe room within a newly constructed Early Childhood Center that would have enough capacity to shelter not only our early childhood students, but also those at the nearby Learning Center.
Also, in my lifetime, there have been nearly 2,000 school shooting incidents with the greatest numbers in 2019 with 119, 2021 with 249 and 2022 with about 300. Again, we have done quite a bit with eliminating some exterior doors, adding buzz-in doors at every school entrance, adding updated fire rated classroom doors with locking mechanisms, adding transaction windows within the entrance vestibule at both elementary schools, adding bullet resistant film on exterior glass, updating our alarm system, and have started acquiring bullet-proof white boards (like the one we showed on TV when Alex Fees come to do a story that then aired on NBC found here: https://tinyurl.com/39z8w6h3 ). We have also added a School Resource Officer and have raised awareness through ALICE training and drills, where we are using a new accountability application on our devices ensuring all students are accounted for in a more efficient process. Prop S will add transaction style vestibule entrances at the Middle School and the High School (like we have at our elementary schools) and we will be able to more closely monitor those who wish to gain access to those schools and implement a visitor management system district-wide. We also plan to add fencing to totally enclose playgrounds at Frankford and Bowling Green Elementary Schools and behind the High School, where we will also add an electronic gate with buzz in access to the AG area. While we also plan to do upgrades for ADA compliance at Central Office and on our playgrounds, and increase service in our free tuition Pre-School from 2 classrooms to seven (adding capacity for potential tuition based daycare options) with more capacity and appropriate facility needs, and upgrading the roof and paving the emergency road at Frankford Elementary, but the school safety upgrades are first and foremost on our minds and central to this No Tax rate Increase Bond Issue..
Many might not know that in addition to the 29 years of fulltime service in education, I also served for 25 years in active duty and national guard settings in the military. In fact, someone has served in every generation of my family going back to the Revolutionary War, including the newest generation with my own two sons. Maybe that is where the sense of urgency comes from when planning for any potential uncertainty and ensuring our students are safe. It becomes a mindset…and one I do not take lightly. To Train and Prepare… But, it is really all of our responsibility. I do hope you will make time to vote this Tuesday, on April 4 where Prop S (Proposition: Students) is on the ballot and is a NO TAXRATE INCREASE Bond Issue. See video for more information: https://tinyurl.com/msszfx4y
Thank you and stay safe with weather coming in tomorrow night! Stay vigilant!

Baseball Team Store Information:

Good Luck

Daily Announcements
March 29th
NHS Backpacking on Thursday. Team E is Megan Niemeyer, Morgan McMenamy, Hannah Akers, Clara Bailey, Mason McMenamy, Kaden Klocke, Mackenzie Brawley, and Jordan Johnson.
All fines and fees must be paid in order to attend prom. During CAT time today teachers will be passing out reminders about tech. fines that are due. Please take care of these fines at the library

Good Luck

Congrats to the Boys Track team for placing 1st and scoring 240 points to win the Winfield Invite. Also, Congrats to the girls team for placing 4th. Next Meet is Saturday at the Holt Invite.

Congrats to Bleyne Bryant for breaking a 41 year old school record in the Triple Jump. Bleyne breaks the record by well over a foot. The new school record is now 45'8.

Daily Announcements
March 28th
JUNIORS Please complete the nomination form that has been emailed to you. If you haven’t paid your junior dues, please do that ASAP. Also, there is a prom meeting in Mrs. A’s room during CAT time on Thursday. Please attend.
JUNIORS AND SENIORS everyone needs to complete the prom attendance form that was emailed to you yesterday. You must do this if you are considering attending.
Project Prom tickets are on sale now!!! They are $15 dollars per person without a shirt and
$20 per person with a shirt. If you have already purchased a ticket, please pick-up a liability waiver from
Mrs. A.
All fines and fees must be paid in order to attend prom. During CAT time today and tomorrow teachers will be passing out reminders about tech. fines that are due. Please take care of these fines at the library
NHS Backpacking on Thursday. Team E is Megan Niemeyer, Morgan McMenamy, Hannah Akers, Clara Bailey, Mason McMenamy, Kaden Klocke, Mackenzie Brawley, and Jordan Johnson.

Good Luck

Good Luck

Daily Announcements
March 27th
PROM Details: PROM is April 15th. Correction: The Promenade will start at 6:45pm-7:30 pm in the HS GYM with the PROM dance following at 7:30pm-10:30pm in the auditorium. If you are attending Project Prom, you will need to be changed and on the bus by 11:00 pm. Project Prom will be held this year at Bowlero in St. Peters.
Project Prom tickets are on sale now! They are $15 dollars per person without a shirt and $20 per person with a shirt.

The JV baseball team will not be playing at Mark Twain on Saturday. The varsity team will play 2 games at Elsberry on Saturday, April 1st.

Congrats to Ben Chance for breaking a 33 year old school record in the 3200 meter run by 18 seconds

New School Record:
Marcus Starks breaks his own record from last year clearing 6'8 in the high jump. Congrats Marcus

Daily Announcements
March 24th
If you are a student planning to attend Prom all fines and fees must be paid in full by Wednesday, April 12 in order to attend.
PROM Details: PROM is April 15th. Correction: The Promenade will start at 6:45pm-7:30 pm in the HS GYM with the PROM dance following at 7:30pm-10:30pm in the auditorium. If you are attending Project Prom, you will need to be changed and on the bus by 11:00 pm. Project Prom will be held this year at Bowlero in St. Peters.
Project Prom tickets go on sale now! They are $15 dollars per person without a shirt and $20 per person with a shirt.
Today is the last day! Mrs. A is selling Kripsy Kreme donuts for Project Prom. Go to Room 18 to order.