Aug 22, 2023
1. Students if you are driving and parking on school property you must request a student parking spot. Check your student email for the electronic form to complete this for the year. If you did not receive the email please check with the office.
2. The electronic travel pass has been shared to your student email account. We recommend you bookmark this travel pass to use throughout the year. Please let the office know if you did not receive the email with the travel pass link.

JV Football Game on Monday, Aug. 28th at Bowling Green will be 2 quarters.

Fall Sports will be starting very soon. We want to remind parents, students, and fans that you can view schedules anytime on the Bowilng Green Big Teams web site. You can also sign up for notifications on cancelled and rescheduled games. Click the link below and then click in the top left hand corner "FALL" and you can view all HS and MS Sports Schedules.

Parent/Guardian REMINDER: 2023-24 Online Registration was due Friday August 18th. Please complete this process asap. These are required yearly back-to-school forms to review and update. Online registration can be completed on the parent portal. Your username is your email address. If you do not have parent portal access, call any of the school offices to sign up.

Aug 21, 2023
Welcome back students!
The library is open today until 3:25. You may check out books beginning today. The library is also the location you may bring your chromebook if it is needing repair and we will see that it gets to the tech department. Reminder: Please take your chromebooks home each evening and charge them overnight so they will be ready for classroom use the next day.

The softball jamboree scheduled for tomorrow at Monroe City has been cancelled. We will not reschedule.

Scan the QR Code on the Orange Apple in the bottom right Corner. Follow link, select Bowling Green Missouri. From there select the schools menu you want to choose.
Happy First Day Back!

The JV/Varsity Softball game on Sept. 28th vs. Wellsville-Middletown has been cancelled. Wellsville does not have a team this year.

Pike Lincoln Technical School will not be in session on Monday, August 21. BGHS students who attend PLTC should report to BGHS at 11:00 am Monday, August 21.

A new safety feature has been added at Bowling Green R-1 Schools. Any non-student who enters the high school building must have some form of picture identification.


Reminder: seniors check your student email account for a google form to pick your parking spot. Selection will open up to the junior class at 3:00 pm today.

High School Fall Picture Day August 30th

The Bowling Green R-1 School District is still in need of (4) coaching positions for the 2023-24 school year.
If you have interest, please send a cover letter, resume, and (3) reference letters to Larry Lagemann- HS Principal or Matt Chance - Activities Director. Please send this information to Bowling Green HS 700 West Adams
Bowling Green, MO 63334.
Those that are interested must be available for practices from 3:00-6:00 pm daily during the season and fulfill all MSHSAA requirements for non-faculty coaches that include taking multiple classes, 1st Aid/CPR, background check, and approved by the Bowilng Green R-1 School Board.

"REMINDER your senior must have an up to date Menactra vaccine or the proper exemption on file to begin school on 8/21. Students not compliant will be sent home."

Softball Jamboree Info

Parents, Students are not required to purchase Chromebook insurance, but ALL STUDENTS must complete the registration acknowledgement on One2OneRisk.com. Chromebook insurance may also be purchased through this website. If a student fails to agree to the acknowledgement by September 1st their Chromebook will be disabled. Parents must also complete online registration through the SIS parent portal by Sep 1. If a student still has not completed the acknowledgment by September 8, they will be charged a missing/stolen device fine until the device is returned.
Larry Lagemann, BGHS Principal

Class schedules for BGHS students are now accessible through the SIS Portal. If you would like to make a change to your class schedule, please contact the BGHS office or email your high school counselor to schedule an appointment.

Hannibal Football Jamboree Info
Friday, Aug. 18th
6:00 pm BG vs. Clark County
6:30 pm BG vs. Hannibal
$5 admission