Varsity Volleyball defeats Wright City in 3 sets JV Volleyball falls in 2 sets at Wright City Varsity Softball defeats Van Far 10-0
over 1 year ago, Matt Chance
October 12th FTA members, please pay your $5 dues by Friday the 13th Gambino’s Eatery in Louisiana is looking for waiters and waitresses check out their Facebook page for more information Money for AP Government and/or AP Psychology exam is due to Mrs. Holland by next Friday, October 20th. There will be a Speech and Debate meeting in Room 5 on Thursday, October 19. Are you in your baking era? If so, join us in Swiftie Sweets where we bake Taylor Swift’s own recipes! We will have our first meeting on October 18th after school where we will make Taylor’s signature chai cookie and pumpkin cookie recipes. Sign up with Miss Newcomer or Miss Huhn if you’re interested. Reminder to students only Seniors are allowed to be in the courtyard during lunchtime. All students are only allowed in the courtyard outside of the lunch hour with teacher supervision. Attention: CAT Time Competition– BGHS Senior, Molly Grote, is undergoing heart surgery at the end of the month. We are doing a “Pennies for a Purpose” contest between CAT Time classes to see who can collect the most pennies, other coins, and cash to help offset financial expenses for Molly. The CAT Time with the most money raised will earn a popcorn and soda party. Please donate if you are able! Every penny counts. Please remember to bring your student ID to the library when checking out books. Each time you use your library card to check out, you are entered into a drawing for a new kindle ereader. One entry per day. The drawing will be held at the end of the first quarter. The Book Fair opens next week on Thursday, October 19. It will be open during the school day thru October 31. During Parent/Teacher Conference on Oct. 26 the fair will be open 1 - 7 p.m. If we meet our book fair sales goal, Mr. Lagemann has agreed to participate in a horseback riding activity.
over 1 year ago, HS Office
Good Luck
over 1 year ago, Matt Chance
District Softball Tonight at South Shelby High School. Lady Cats will play Van Far at 5:30 pm. $6 admission
over 1 year ago, Matt Chance
October 11th Flu-shot forms can be picked up in the office. The clinic will be held October 19th. Forms need to be turned in by 10/17. Team C is backpacking tomorrow during CAT Time. Team C is Claire Bibb, Dianna Bibb, Celia Robinson, Delaney Feldmann, Aaron McBride, Mackenzie Brawley, Olivia Fronick, and Miranda Orf. FTA members, please pay your $5 dues by Friday the 13th Gambino’s Eatery in Louisiana is looking for waiters and waitresses check out their Facebook page for more information Money for AP Government and/or AP Psychology exam is due to Mrs. Holland by next Friday, October 20th. Are you in your baking era? If so, join us in Swiftie Sweets where we bake Taylor Swift’s own recipes! We will have our first meeting on October 18th after school where we will make Taylor’s signature chai cookie and pumpkin cookie recipes. Sign up with Miss Newcomer or Miss Huhn if you’re interested. Fields of Faith is tonight at 7pm! Please join the BGHS FCA at the Football field for worship, encouragement and fellowship! We hope to see you there!
over 1 year ago, HS Office
A perfect senior night for the Lady Cats volleyball team. They defeat North Callaway in 3 sets. JV also wins in 3 sets. Thanks seniors for all your hard work. Photo Credit: Ben Cordes Photography
over 1 year ago, Matt Chance
October 10th Absentee & picture retake day is tomorrow October 11th. Flu-shot forms can be picked up in the office. The clinic will be held October 19th. Forms need to be turned in by 10/17. Students please remember to bring your student ID card to the library when visiting. The drawing for a new kindle e-reader will take place at the end of first quarter. Book Fair begins Thursday, October 19 in the library during the school day. It ends October 31 and will be open throughout the Parent/Teacher Conference (1- 7 p.m.) October 26. A new database is available on the library website. Opposing Viewpoints will be useful for research projects in a variety of classes. The link and password is available on the library website under “Resources.” Mrs. Splain and Mrs. Smith will be in Mrs. Gregory’s room on Tuesday and Wednesday to help any students applying for the John T. Belcher scholarship. If you’d like to be added to the travel sheet, please stop by and let Mrs. Splain know. The scholarship is due October 16th. Team C is backpacking Thursday during CAT Time. Team C is Claire Bibb, Dianna Bibb, Celia Robinson, Delaney Feldmann, Aaron McBride, Mackenzie Brawley, Olivia Fronick, and Miranda Orf. There will be an FBLA Meeting tomorrow during CAT Time in Mrs. Robinson’s room. JUNIORS: There is a prom meeting tomorrow at 7:20 am in Miss St Aubyn’s room - breakfast pizza and donuts provided :)
over 1 year ago, HS Office
Congrats Coach Smith
over 1 year ago, Matt Chance
Congrats 2nd Team All Conference Softball Players: Olivia Dawson Sydney Charlton
over 1 year ago, Matt Chance
Congrats 1st Team All Conference Softball Players: Avery Gamm Megan Graver Delaney Feldmann
over 1 year ago, Matt Chance
Volleyball Senior Night is Tonight
over 1 year ago, Matt Chance
Varsity softball team moves to 17-6 on the season with a 5-1 win at Centralia. Districts will start on Thursday. JV falls to Centraia 6-5. JV team ends their season with a record of 18-2. Great job
over 1 year ago, Matt Chance
Power has been restored to all BG campus schools. Thank you for your patience.
over 1 year ago, Matt Frederickson
Power Restored
Class 2, District 5 Volleyball Bracket Location: Whitfield High School (St. Louis)
over 1 year ago, Matt Chance
over 1 year ago, Matt Chance
Football Final: Bobcats 65 Mark Twain 0 Bobcats move to 7-0 on the season!!
over 1 year ago, Matt Chance
Boys XC Places 1st at Orchard Farm Invite Girls XC Places 7th Results:
over 1 year ago, Matt Chance
October 6 FTA members, please pay your $5 dues by Oct. 13. FCCLA, FTA, and Spanish Club members: We will be carving pumpkins on Oct. 9th from 5:30-7 in room 11. Bring a pumpkin to carve or paint! Any juniors or seniors interested in touring Truman State University on December 5th, please sign up with Mr. Hurst by Friday, October 13th. Flu shot clinic will be OCTOBER 19TH. Pick up a form in the office if you would like a flu-shot. Bright Futures Dual Credit scholarship application due to Mrs. Holland or Mrs. Smith by Friday, October 6th. Come enjoy a nice fall evening with your favorite fall beverages, treats, and photo ops. There is even a costume contest! Be at the Fall Dance on October 21st 6-8pm. Sophomores: make sure you are taking home your four-year plan to get a parent signature. These are due back to Mrs. Smith by next Friday, October 13th. Student IDs are also your library cards for checking out books. We will be having a drawing for high school students for a new Kindle E-reader. Your name will be entered into the drawing when you use your student ID to check out a book from the library. This drawing will occur at the end of first quarter and the winner will be announced. There will be drawings for prizes each quarter to encourage use of your library card when you visit the library. If you have not received your ID card yet, you may use a card from previous years. The BGHS Competition Cheerleading Squad invites everyone to the Community showcase tomorrow, October 7th at 10 am, to view our routine before we compete at Regionals on Sunday. We would love to fill the HS gym! If you would like to cheer us on at Lindenwood University on Sunday, be sure to purchase an online ticket! There is NO CHESS Club today as Mrs. Frederickson’s classes are interviewing an FBI agent during CAT time. FBLA Fundraisers are due on Monday! Please turn in the packets to Mrs. Robinson then. Reminder: The Spanish Club Flamenco Trip is Monday! Please be here early because the bus will depart at 7:45am! JUNIORS: There will be a prom committee meeting next Wednesday, October 11th at 7:20am. We will be planning our carnival and silent auction & breakfast is provided!
over 1 year ago, HS Office
Good Luck
over 1 year ago, Matt Chance
Good Luck
over 1 year ago, Matt Chance