Congrats Drew

Congrats Dane

Congrats Aiden

Congrats Lucas

Congrats Rowan

Congrats Neil

Congrats Zach
1st Team Receiver
2nd Team Place Kicker

Congrats Harrison

Congrats Bleyne
EMO Offensive Player of the Year
1st Team All Conference Linebacker
2nd Team All Conference Utility/Kick Returner

Congrats Bryson

October 31st
NHS Dues are $15 and are due to Mr. Hurst by November 10th. Also, NHS senior members, please pick up your senior patch from Mr. Hurst.
NHS Backpacking on Thursday during CAT Time. Team E is Olivia Dawson, Myka Cashman, Kaylyn Charlton, Megan Graver, Morgan McMenamy, Courtney Kraft, and Kayelee Stephens.
Sophomore Opportunity: HOBY Is a youth leadership conference held over the summer for students who are interested in connecting with peers across the state and learning about making a positive impact in your community. If you are a sophomore interested in this summer leadership opportunity, please see Mrs. Smith for more information.
Any junior girl interested in attending Girls State please see Mrs. Holland.
Book Fair in the library closes at noon today. Thank you for your support of the book fair this year.
Please continue to bring your student IDs to the library when checking out books. We will have a prize drawing at the end of the second quarter.
The counseling staff would like to say a big THANK YOU to admin, teachers, and students for making our Career Day on Wednesday a huge success. Students, we had numerous presenters compliment you for your good behavior and manners. Job well done!
The deadline to register for the December 9th ACT is this Friday, November 3rd. Visit actstudent.org to register. You will need a debit or credit card for payment. If you need help or have any questions, please stop by to see your counselor.
FBLA Pumpkin Buddy Activity is moved to next Tuesday during CAT Time.
FBLA Red Wheel Fundraiser pickup date is this THURSDAY after school. Make sure to pick up your orders then.
Check your email & vote for your favorite teacher & student costume for the FTA Halloween Costume Contest!! :)

Have a Great Day Bowling Green HS.

October 30th
Don’t forget, TOMORROW is the FTA Halloween Costume Contest. Pay $2 to dress up and best dressed receives a prize!! Remember, costumes must be school-appropriate and no masks.
The Book Fair is open today in the library. Book Fair is closing tomorrow at noon to begin the packing up process. Please complete your purchases by noon tomorrow. We are just $300 from reaching our book fair sales goal of $3500. Let’s buy a few more books so that Mr. Lagemann gets his horseback riding experience as this year’s principal’s challenge.
NHS Dues are $15 and are due to Mr. Hurst by November 10th. Also, NHS senior members, please pick up your senior patch from Mr. Hurst.
Sophomore Opportunity: HOBY Is a youth leadership conference held over the summer for students who are interested in connecting with peers across the state and learning about making a positive impact in your community. If you are a sophomore interested in this summer leadership opportunity, please see Mrs. Smith for more information.
The American Banker Association is having a contest called Lights, Camera, Save. Each bank that participates can submit one video in the contest. If Peoples Savings Bank receives multiple entries, we as a bank would choose a winner to be submitted. It is open to students 13-18 years old. You will need to send a 30 second self-made video to Peoples Savings Bank. The winner will then be submitted to the national contest for a chance to win one of three cash prizes: $1,000, $2,500 and the grand prize of $3,000.
Topics: Automatic Savings, Budgeting, Credit Score, Debt, Direct Deposit, Emergency Fund, Paying for College, Protecting your identity and Retirement.Please make sure any student submitting a video fills out the submission packet. The submission packet also has a lot of good information with regards to what kind of video the judges are looking for. Copies of the submission packet & official rules are in the high school office on the counter.
All juniors will be taking the ASVAB tomorrow morning. Please report to the auditorium as soon as the bell rings with a pencil. Be sure to eat breakfast before as no food/drinks will be allowed in the auditorium.
Any junior girl interested in attending Girls State please see Mrs. Holland.
The counseling staff would like to say a big THANK YOU to admin, teachers, and students for making our Career Day on Wednesday a huge success. Students, we had numerous presenters compliment you for your good behavior and manners. Job well done!

Parent please join us for a meeting about Project Prom this evening

District Semi Final Info:
BG vs Monroe City
Friday - 7:00 pm at BGHS
Admission: $6 pay at the gate

Peoples Savings Bank ABA Foundation's Lights, Camera, Save!

Congrats All Region Softball Players

Congrats to the Boys Cross Country team for qualifying for the 2023 State Cross Country Meet. The boys have now qualified for state as a team 19 times in the past 24 years. Great job guys!!

Football Final
Bobcats 54
Mark Twain 6
Back home next Friday

Game Day at BG tonight 7:00 pm
Admission: $4
No passes
Gate will open at 6:00 pm