The freshman boys game scheduled for tomorrow has been rescheduled for Saturday, Jan. 20th at 10:00 am at Hannibal HS.

The varsity basketball games at Van Far tonight have been moved to Saturday, Jan. 13th. Varsity girls will start at 5:00 pm and varsity boys will follow.

I wanted to reach out in advance to give families notice, for your planning purposes, of the possibility of an early release at 12:50 pm tomorrow, Friday, January 12. We will need to watch to see if the forecast holds before making that decision tomorrow morning and to see if the temperatures will in fact drop as is being reported. I hope that this advance notice tonight helps our families plan in case this early release becomes a reality. We appreciate your flexibility as we do our best to keep our students and staff safe with learning and supports moving forward. If we decide to have an early release, we should be able to get notice to families by mid-morning tomorrow.
Thank you.
Dr. Matt Frederickson

January 11th
1. If you are in Speech and Debate and would like to sign up for an event in the Cavalier Classic please visit Ms. Akers during CAT time this week.
2. Congratulations to Morgan McMenamy for being chosen by staff as December’s Senior of the Month for Kindness!
3. There will be an FBLA Meeting on Wednesday, January 17 during CAT Time in Mrs. Robinson’s room.
4. Pike Lincoln Tech Center Open House on January 16th from 4:30-7 PM. Any sophomore or junior interested in taking classes at PLTC for next school year are encouraged to attend. Also, ALL sophomores will be touring PLTC during the school day on Friday, January 19th.
5. We have a unique learning opportunity being offered through Eastern Michigan University for any motivated junior or senior interested in studying Food Security. See Mrs. Holland or Mrs. Smith for more information. The deadline to apply is January 16th, so act now!
6. The LATE registration deadline for the February 10th ACT is next Friday, January 19th.
7. The deadline for schedule changes for 2nd Semester is Wednesday, Jan. 17th. Please see your grade level counselor by the end of the day on Wednesday if you need to make a change.

99th Annual Bowling Green Tourney Brackets

BGR-1 Families: School is cancelled tomorrow, Wednesday, January 10th, due to inclement weather and challenging road conditions. Refer to building specific communication regarding after school activities. Please stay safe.
Matt Frederickson, PhD

BGR-1 Families:
School is cancelled tomorrow, Tuesday, January 9th, due to inclement weather and challenging road conditions. Refer to building specific communication regarding after school activities.
Please stay safe.
Matt Frederickson, PhD

Quiz Bowl is cancelled tomorrow at Elsberry.

Freshman Boys Basketball team will be at home tonight at 5:30 pm.

Opaa! at Bowling Green R-1 School District is now hiring. We currently have a Director of Nutritional Services, a Kitchen Manager, and Kitchen Staff (at Bowling Green and Frankford) positions open. Apply at opaajobs.com or contact Brandy Grote at bgrote@opaafood.com
#opaa #feedourkids

Athletic Events for Jan. 4th

Boys Final
Bobcats 90
Brentwood 75
Jace Eskew 39 points

Girls Basketball Final:
Lady Cats 58
Liberty Christian 35

The Lady Cats and Bobcats will be back in action tonight at Louisiana HS in the Peoples Bank and Trust Shootout. The girls will play Liberty Christian at 5:30 pm and the boys will play Brentwood at 7:00 pm. Good Luck

December 22nd
1. Students enjoy your Winter break; classes resume January 8th. Remember to return with a charged Chromebook.

The work of Bowling Green Elementary Student Sammy Parsons adorns this year's BGR-1 School District holiday card from Superintendent Dr. Matt Frederickson! Talented 4th and 5th grade artists from BGE and Frankford Elementary submitted entries into this year's contest, with the BGR-1 Administrative Team ultimately choosing the winning design. Thank you to all of the 4th and 5th grade students of Art teacher Lisa Shimp who submitted artwork for this year's holiday card contest!
Click here to access the eCard and be sure to advance to page two with the arrows at the bottom: https://www.canva.com/design/DAF3dFC5toI/umgvkPTlXcOvwcUhH6SxqQ/view?utm_content=DAF3dFC5toI&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link&utm_source=viewer
Matt Frederickson, PhD

December 21st
1. Students remember to check into your first hour class tomorrow. We will release you for your giveback activities after attendance has been taken.
2. The library will be closed during the Giveback Activities on Friday, December 22. Students please renew and check out books today that you will want over Christmas break. Any students who anticipate needing a Chromebook on Friday, remember to fully charge your Chromebook overnight tonight and it to school tomorrow.

Congratulations to Bleyne Bryant for signing his letter of intent to play football at Wyoming next fall.

December 20th
The library will be closed during the Giveback Activities on Friday, December 22. Students renew and check out books today and tomorrow (Thursday) that you will want over Christmas break. Any students who anticipate needing a Chromebook on Friday, remember to fully charge your Chromebook overnight on Thursday.

Last night, the Board of Education adopted the calendar for next school year. Please see attached for your planning purposes. The calendar will not change due to weather and days will remain consistent.
Have a great holiday break!
Matt Frederickson, PhD