Good Luck Thursday will be Senior Night.
about 1 year ago, Matt Chance
Conference Speech and Debate: Emma Yoder: 2nd Prose & 3rd Poetry Michael Hays: 2nd Radio Congrats!!!!
about 1 year ago, Matt Chance
Feb.9 1.Spanish Club and FCA are sponsoring a flower fundraiser for Valentines day. Buy a Carnation for a friend or that special someone for $2 and it will be delivered to them on Valentine’s day! You can purchase a flower before school or during CAT time from Mrs. Pierce until the end of the day Today! 2. Next week is FBLA Week! Join us for some fun dress up days: Monday is anything but a backpack, Tuesday is Tropical Tuesday, Wednesday is Decades Day - Seniors 90s, Juniors 80s, Sophomores 70s, and Freshmen 60s, and Thursday is FBLA Spirit Day - Wear your FBLA Shirt. 3. 4. If you are registered to take the ACT tomorrow, please report to school by 7:50 AM. The test will start promptly at 8 AM. You need to bring your admission ticket plus one form of ID like your driver’s license or lunch card plus pencils and a calculator. If you need help printing your admission ticket, please see your counselor. 4. A student assembly will be held this afternoon at 2 pm in the HS Gymnasium. Students will report directly to the gym at the end of 9th period. Teachers should accompany students to the gymnasium. Should the assembly end prior to the end of the day, students will report back to their 9th period class.
about 1 year ago, Sherrey Cox
Good Luck 5:30 pm Start
about 1 year ago, Matt Chance
Feb. 8. Daily Announcements 1. Spanish Club and FCA are sponsoring a flower fundraiser for Valentines day. Buy a Carnation for a friend or that special someone for $2 and it will be delivered to them on Valentine’s day! You can purchase a flower before school or during CAT time from Mrs. Pierce until Tomorrow, February 9th. 2. Next week is FBLA Week! Join us for some fun dress up days: Monday is anything but a backpack, Tuesday is Tropical Tuesday, Wednesday is Decades Day - Seniors 90s, Juniors 80s, Sophomores 70s, and Freshmen 60s, and Thursday is FBLA Spirit Day - Wear your FBLA Shirt. 3. If you are an NHS member and would like to write Valentine's Day cards for nursing homes, please pick up a card from Mr. Hurst sometime this week. Cards are due back by Friday, February 9th. 4. If you are registered to take the ACT on Saturday, please report to school on Saturday morning by 7:50 AM. The test will start promptly at 8 AM. You need to bring your admission ticket plus one form of ID like your driver’s license or lunch card plus pencils and a calculator. If you need help printing your admission ticket, please see your counselor.
about 1 year ago, HS Office
Good Luck
about 1 year ago, Matt Chance
Feb. 7. 1. Spanish Club and FCA are sponsoring a flower fundraiser for Valentines day. Buy a Carnation for a friend or that special someone for $2 and it will be delivered to them on Valentine’s day! You can purchase a flower before school or during CAT time from Mrs. Pierce until this Friday, February 9th. 2. Next week is FBLA Week! Join us for some fun dress up days: Monday is anything but a backpack, Tuesday is Tropical Tuesday, Wednesday is Decades Day - Seniors 90s, Juniors 80s, Sophomores 70s, and Freshmen 60s, and Thursday is FBLA Spirit Day - Wear your FBLA Shirt. 3. NHS Team E is backpacking on Thursday-Team E is Olivia Dawson, Myka Cashman, Kaylyn Charlton, Megan Graver, Morgan McMenamy, Courtney Kraft, and Kayelee Stephens. 4. If you are an NHS member and would like to write Valentine’s Day cards for nursing homes, please pick up a card from Mr. Hurst sometime this week. Cards are due back by Friday, February 9th. 5. TONIGHT from 4:30-7 PM, there will be an Open House at Pike-Lincoln Tech Center for any student who is considering attending in the future. This is open for all grades, and parents are encouraged to attend with you. 6. All Sophomores will be traveling to PLTC during the school day on Thursday, Feb. 8th. Students with the last name beginning with letters A-J will be dismissed from class at 8:50 AM and return sometime in CAT Time. Students with the last name beginning with letters K-Z will be dismissed from class at 12:40 and return to school around 2:45. 7. If you are a senior who still needs to fill out the FAFSA, you still have time! February 1st was the priority deadline, but it’s not too late to submit your form. Please see Mrs. Splain if you have any questions. 8. Hats off to School Counselors! Tomorrow, all students can pay $1 to wear a hat. The money that is raised will be donated to a cause of the counselors’ choice.
about 1 year ago, HS Office
Feb. 6 Bowling Green Bobcats are gearing up for the big game! The Dress up days are —---> Spanish Club and FCA are sponsoring a flower fundraiser for Valentines day. Buy a Carnation for a friend or that special someone for $2 and it will be delivered to them on Valentine’s day! You can purchase a flower before school or during CAT time from Mrs. Pierce until this February 9th. Next week is FBLA Week! Join us for some fun dress up days: Monday is anything but a backpack, Tuesday is Tropical Tuesday, Wednesday is Decades Day - Seniors 90s, Juniors 80s, Sophomores 70s, and Freshmen 60s, and Thursday is FBLA Spirit Day - Wear your FBLA Shirt. NHS Team E is backpacking on Thursday-Team E is Olivia Dawson, Myka Cashman, Kaylyn Charlton, Megan Graver, Morgan McMenamy, Courtney Kraft, and Kayelee Stephens. If you are an NHS member and would like to write Valentine’s Day cards for nursing homes, please pick up a card from Mr. Hurst sometime this week. Cards are due back by Friday, February 9th. Tomorrow night from 4:30-7 PM, there will be an Open House at Pike-Lincoln Tech Center for any student who is considering attending in the future. This is open for all grades, and parents are encouraged to attend with you. All Sophomores will be traveling to PLTC during the school day on Thursday, Feb. 8th. Students with the last name beginning with letters A-J will be dismissed from class at 8:50 AM and return sometime in CAT Time. Students with the last name beginning with letters K-Z will be dismissed from class at 12:40 and return to school around 2:45. If you are a senior who still needs to fill out the FAFSA, you still have time! February 1st was the priority deadline, but it’s not too late to submit your form. Please see Mrs. Splain if you have any questions. SOPHOMORES: Please get your course selection sheets turned into Mrs. Smith ASAP! As of this morning, she has only received back 14 papers. You can drop them by the main office or take them directly to Mrs. Smith. Any FCCLA member planning to attend State Leadership Conference needs to turn in their forms to Ms. Newcomer today!
about 1 year ago, HS Office
Good Luck
about 1 year ago, Matt Chance
Information to order Winter Sports Pictures from Wagner Photography: Here are the steps to order sports pictures through our website: Go to and click on the order link at the top of the page. Choose your school from the drop down menu and then choose your event (Bowling Green HS Winter Sports 12.12.23). Enter student’s last name and click on view proofs to view their photos.
about 1 year ago, Matt Chance
February 2 Anyone interested in playing golf this year there will be a meeting Today Feb. 2nd during CAT Time in the HS gym. Attention Juniors! Don’t forget to pay your dues of $60 dollars. You must pay to attend Prom. Please pay as soon as possible as these funds help pay for Prom expenses! Congratulations to Clara Bailey who was chosen by staff as January’s Senior of the Month for Cooperation. Way to go, Clara! Sophomores will be going to PLTC for a tour on Thursday, Feb. 8th. Sophomores with the last name beginning with A-J will go in the morning, and those with last names starting with K-Z will go in the afternoon. All 10th Graders: Please turn in your course selection sheets with a parent signature for next year to Mrs. Smith by this coming Tuesday, Feb. 6th. If you are a Sophomore interested in learning more about the Cuivre River Electric CYCLE program, please visit, or come see Mrs. Smith for additional information. Bowling Green Bobcats are gearing up for the big game! The Dress up days are —---> Spanish Club and FCA are sponsoring a flower fundraiser for Valentines day. Buy a Carnation for a friend or that special someone for $2 and it will be delivered to them on Valentine’s day! You can purchase a flower before school or during CAT time from Mrs. Pierce until February 9th. This is the final day to vote for Courtwarming King and Queen. Voting will close at 3:11 today.
about 1 year ago, HS Office
It's Courtwarming at BGHS tonight. Girls tip off at 5:30 pm. Courtwarming will take place between games.
about 1 year ago, Matt Chance
February 1 1.Anyone interested in playing golf this year there will be a meeting Friday Feb. 2nd during CAT Time in the HS gym. 2. Attention Juniors! Don’t forget to pay your dues of $60 dollars. You must pay to attend Prom. Please pay as soon as possible as these funds help pay for Prom expenses! 3. NHS Backpacking on Thursday is Team D. Team D is Hannah Post, Brendan Halleman, Avery Gamm, Mackenzie Cashman, Gavin Outlaw, Natalie Hickerson, and Brooke Hickerson. 4. Congratulations to Clara Bailey who was chosen by staff as January’s Senior of the Month for Cooperation. Way to go, Clara! 5. Sophomores will be going to PLTC for a tour on Thursday, Feb. 8th. Sophomores with the last name beginning with A-J will go in the morning, and those with last names starting with K-Z will go in the afternoon. 6. All 10th Graders: Please turn in your course selection sheets with a parent signature for next year to Mrs. Smith by this coming Tuesday, Feb. 6th. 7. If you are a Sophomore interested in learning more about the Cuivre River Electric CYCLE program, please visit, or come see Mrs. Smith for additional information. 8. Bowling Green Bobcats are gearing up for the big game! The Dress up days are —---> 9. Spanish Club and FCA are sponsoring a flower fundraiser for Valentines day. Buy a Carnation for a friend or that special someone for $2 and it will be delivered to them on Valentine’s day! You can purchase a flower before school or during CAT time from Mrs. Pierce until February 9th. 10. FBLA & DECA Members: The Bankhead Fundraisers are due to Mrs. Robinson/Mrs. Fischer today!
about 1 year ago, HS Office
Letter that went home with students participating in the BGHS Pom Pon Squad Clinic tomorrow evening.
about 1 year ago, HS Office
Poms Clinic Letter
Good Luck
about 1 year ago, Matt Chance
January 31 Jostens will be on campus for Sophomores from 11:10 am to 1:00pm and return from 3:00pm to 4:30pm Anyone interested in playing golf this year there will be a meeting Friday Feb. 2nd during CAT Time in the HS gym. Attention Juniors! Don’t forget to pay your dues of $60 dollars. You must pay to attend Prom. Please pay as soon as possible as these funds help pay for Prom expenses! NHS Backpacking on Thursday is Team D. Team D is Hannah Post, Brendan Halleman, Avery Gamm, Mackenzie Cashman, Gavin Outlaw, Natalie Hickerson, and Brooke Hickerson. The votes are in! Congratulations to the 2024 courtwarming attendants. Freshmen: Autumn Rozier and Lucas Aslin, Sophomores: Mara Robb and Oliver Niemeyer, Juniors: Sydney Charlton and Jackson Damron, Seniors, Hannah Post, Kaylyn Charlton, Mackenzie Brawley, Zach Gibson, Gavin Outlaw, and James Efnor. Ballots for King and Queen will be sent out to all students shortly. Voting will close on Friday at the end of the day. Any FCCLA members interested in attending State Leadership Conference please let Ms. Newcomer know asap. Information was sent to your school email.
about 1 year ago, HS Office
Updated information about Prom
about 1 year ago, HS Office
Updated Prom information
Varsity boys defeat Silex 65-53 and JV boys defeat Silex 53-16. Next Game is Friday at home vs. Monroe City (Courtwarming).
about 1 year ago, Matt Chance
Information about Prom
about 1 year ago, HS Office
Prom Information
JV/Varsity Boys will go on the road tonight at Silex. 6:00 pm tip-off
about 1 year ago, Matt Chance