Jv Baseball Final
Bobcats 7
North Callaway 4

Varsity baseball final
Bobcats 0
North Callaway 1

There will be a football meeting in the gym during CAT time on Friday, May 10th for anyone interested in playing football next fall.
Are you in your baking era? If so, join us next Wednesday, May 15th, at 3:30 for our final event of the year. We will be making caramel blondie cookies. Sign up with Ms. Newcomer or Ms. Huhn.
Students and teachers going to the Fox after school on Thursday, the bus will be leaving at 4 pm from the high school.
NHS Backpacking this Thursday is Team C. Team C is Claire Bibb, Dianna Bibb, Delaney Feldmann, Celia Robinson, Aaron McBride, Mackenzie Brawley and Makenna Orf.
NHS Senior members, stop by Mr. Hurst’s room at the end of CAT Time Wednesday for pizza provided by Every Child Every Day.
FCA will be hosting our final huddle meeting this Friday, 5pm @ Hannah Akers Place. Contact Mrs. Pierce or the officers for the address. Come out and join us for food, fun, and fellowship as we send off our Seniors!

HS Athletic Events: May 5th
District Golf at Hannibal 9:00 am
JV/Varsity Baseball at North Callaway 5:00 pm

Great teachers make great public schools. On National Teacher Day, Tues., May 7, 2024, thousands of communities take time to honor their local educators and acknowledge the crucial role teachers play in making sure every student receives a quality education. Please join us in reminding our teachers of the value that they bring to the lives of our BGR-1 children!
Do you know an incredible educator? Call Teacher Appreciation Week Hotline at (202) 743-5371

FCA officer applications due today to Mrs. Pierce. Please submit your application by the end of the school day.
If you were in Spanish 2 last year and would like to take your piñata home, please see Mrs. Pierce by the end of today. Any piñatas that are not spoken for will be donated to the Spanish Club.
All FFA Banquet reservations are due by the end of the school day today. The FFA banquet starts at 6pm Thursday, May 9th.
Seniors- Baccalaureate is this Sunday at 4 in the auditorium
AP Government students-remember to arrive Monday by 7:50 am so we can start the AP test in the auditorium at 8 am.
Congratulations to the newly elected 2024-2025 FBLA Officer team: President: Ariana Young; Vice President: Pearson Betts; Secretary: Reese Turner; Treasurer: Aaron McBride; VP of Social Media: Karli Dean; Reporter: Evelyn Streeter; Parliamentarian: Cole Niemeyer; Historian: Bradley Doggett

The baseball game at Warrenton tonight has been canceled.

Reminder ALL library books are due tomorrow, Friday May 3rd. Please also take care of any fines before the end of the school year.
Seniors please fill out the local media information if you are wanting your graduation info in the newspaper. Deadline is Friday, May 3. Exit surveys are due, please get these filled out.
Seniors..Baccalaureate is at 4 o’clock this Sunday, May 5 in the Auditorium.
Seniors looking for a summer job at Bleigh, Dyno Nobel or future employment at General Mills please see one of the counselors for more information.
Juniors - If you are interested in a dual credit online college course for next year please complete the permission form and return to Mrs. Holland as soon as possible.\
If you are interested in being an FCA officer, today is the last day to grab an application. Applications are due by the end of the school day tomorrow, May 4th.
If you were in Spanish 2 last year and would like to take your pinata home, please see Mrs. Pierce by the end of the week. Any pinatas that are not spoken for will be donated to the Spanish Club.
All FFA Banquet reservations are due by the end of the school day tomorrow.

There will be a meeting for parents of any student in grades 7-12 (2024-25 school year) interested in football. The meeting will be in the high school gym on Wednesday, May 15th at 5:30 pm. Please make plans to attend. Lots of information will be given out at the meeting including new online physical procedures, summer schedules, and other necessary information. There will also be a Momma Cats meeting.

Class 3 District Baseball Bracket
The Bobcats will play Mark Twain on Friday, May 10th at 5:30 pm. The site of the district tourney will be Montgomery County High School.

Congratulations to Greta Pinkley and Emma Niemeyer who were chosen to deliver the 2024 BGHS Commencement speeches!
Senior NHS members-all hours are due Wednesday to Mr. Hurst. Junior NHS members-officer applications are due Wednesday.
Seniors please fill out the local media information if you are wanting your graduation info in the newspaper. Deadline is Friday, May 3. Exit surveys are due, please get these filled out.
Seniors..Baccalaureate is at 4 o’clock this Sunday, May 5 in the Auditorium.
Seniors who go to TECH- You need to promptly report to the Commons when you come back from PLTC on Friday. Every senior will need a charged Chromebook.
The ACT will be offered at BGHS in June. The test date is June 8th. The deadline to register for the ACT is this Friday, May 3rd. You can visit actstudent.org for registration. See your counselor if you need help registering.

Baseball Final:
Bobcats 12
Clopton 9

Thank you to all of the Seniors who tried out this afternoon for the 2024 BGHS Graduation speeches!
The judging panel was BLOWN AWAY by the talent of all those who participated, and it was a tough decision to make.
Congratulations go out to Emma Niemeyer and Greta Pinkley for being chosen as the two speakers at the commencement ceremony. Best of luck to these young ladies as they prepare to put the final touches on their work for May 17th!

Seniors please fill out the media and exit surveys that are in your email. If you are wanting a t-shirt for decision day, today is the last day to get them ordered.The last day to turn in the information for the newspaper is Friday, May 4.
Senior NHS members-all hours are due Wednesday to Mr. Hurst. Junior NHS members-officer applications are due Wednesday.
Backpacking is Wednesday this week due to EOC testing. Team B is Lily Bowen, Clara Bailey, Audrey Lovell, Karlee Miller, Tucker Watson, Drew Dalton, Mason McMenamy, and Jordan Johnson.
Are you a senior who is looking for local work after graduation? Are you a sophomore or junior looking for a job for the summertime? There is a HUGE list of job opportunities in Pike County hanging up on the bulletin board outside of the Counseling Center. Check it out!!
Teachers- if you would like to write a message to all of our future graduates, please pick up a tag in the HS Workroom. Return it to one of the counselors when you are finished. These will be placed on one of the bulletin boards.
UPDATED: Coach Jayne will be having a meeting for all girls interested in playing softball next fall on Wednesday, May 1 in the gym during CAT Time; not Thursday!
If you are interested in becoming a lifeguard, the YMCA is providing a lifeguard course. Information and registration can be picked up in the office.
FTA members and their families are welcome to attend our “Senior Send Off” tonight at 5pm in the commons. :) aka Gavin’s awesome!

Bowling Green R-1 Special Athletes representing all four of our schools participated in the Special Olympics in Troy on Friday, April 12th. Several BGHS students attended to assist with getting Special Olympic athletes to their events and to the medal stand. Our Special Olympic athletes started with opening ceremonies, then participated in the Special Olympics oath, and competed in the track and field events. Several of our athletes brought home medals! Our next track and field event for our Special Olympic athletes will be Friday, May 3rd in Hermann. Please help us congratulate our Special Athletes! #BGBOBCATPRIDE

Good Luck

There will be a Speech and Debate meeting in Ms. Akers’ room tomorrow during CAT time.
Coach Jayne will be having a meeting for all girls interested in playing softball next fall on Thursday, May 2 in the gym during CAT Time.
Senior NHS members-all hours are due by Wednesday. Junior NHS members-officer applications are due Wednesday.
Backpacking is Wednesday this week due to EOC testing. Team B is Lily Bowen, Clara Bailey, Audrey Lovell, Karlee Miller, Tucker Watson, Drew Dalton, Mason McMenamy, and Jordan Johnson.
Are you a senior who is looking for local work after graduation? Are you a sophomore or junior looking for a job for the summertime? There is a HUGE list of job opportunities in Pike County hanging up on the bulletin board outside of the Counseling Center. Check it out!!
Teachers- if you would like to write a message to all of our future graduates, please pick up a tag in the HS Workroom. Return it to one of the counselors when you are finished. These will be placed on one of the bulletin boards.

Good Luck
The baseball game vs Clopton tomorrow is scheduled to be played at Clopton, but if their field is too wet we will play at Bowling Green.

Seniors-google forms in your email need to be completed. Media information is needed ASAP if you want you graduation info in the paper
FBLA & DECA members: please signup with Mrs. Robinson or Mrs. Fischer to work Art in the Park on Saturday, April 27.
Interested in joining FBLA for the 2024-2025 school year? Join by May 15 to be entered into drawings for prizes!
Any FCCLA members available to bake cupcakes after school April 26th and work Art in the Park on April 27th please let Ms. Newcomer know.
There will be a Mock Trial Introductory Meeting in Mr. Hurst’s room during CAT Time on Tuesday for anyone interested in participating in mock trial team next year.
Need an afternoon pick me up? Well you’re in luck! The Bobcat Brew is now open during Cat Time! You will need a ticket from your Cat Time teacher to purchase a drink! The Bobcat Brew will also be open in the mornings from 7:40-8:00. You don’t need a ticket to purchase a drink in the morning.
If you are interested in being an FCA officer see Mrs. Pierce. Applications are due May 4th.
If you were in Spanish 2 last year and would like to take your piñata home, please see Mrs. Pierce. Any piñatas that are not spoken for will be donated to the Spanish Club.

The baseball team will be making up the JV/Varsity game at Wright City on Saturday, May 4th. JV will start at 9:00 am and varsity to follow.